Clinics We Offer

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Cervical Smears

Women between the ages of 25 and 65 will receive notification when they are due for cervical screening. Cervical smears can be carried out by the doctors or the practice nurse. They should ideally be taken in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

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Diabetic Clinic

We aim to assist our patients achieve good control of diabetes and prevent complications, by providing regular check-ups and education. Appointments will be offered to all patients with diabetes. The clinic is run by Susan Lewis who has special training in diabetes.

a woman looking at the camera

Asthma Clinic

We aim to assist patients improve control of asthma by providing education to enable self management of their own symptoms. Appointments are offered to all patients who need regular treatment for asthma. The clinic is run by Eva Corlett who has special training in asthma.


Heart Disease Clinic

Appointments will be offered to all patients who have angina or who have had a heart attack or stroke, who have heart failure, or who are at high risk of developing heart disease. The aim is to review the condition and treatment, and lower risk factors in order to prevent further illness.

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Anticoagulant Monitoring and Near-Patient Testing

Patients taking Warfarin or other drugs which need regular blood monitoring can attend the surgery for blood tests.

You will be notified if this applies to you.


Influenza Vaccinations

Flu vaccinations are available annually from late September onwards. If you are aged 65 or over or have a condition that places you 'at risk' please telephone the surgery to make an appointment for vaccination.

Due to the Corona Virus pandemic we are investiagting how to deliver flu vaccinations to our patients whilst maintaining socail distancing.  Once we have identified a suitable solution we will publish this on our website.


Health Checks

General health checks are offered to all patients when they register with the practice. We also offer checks to patients aged 16 - 75 who have not attended the surgery within the past 3 years.

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Help and advice on stopping smoking is available from the doctors or practice nurses.


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Advice is available on keeping alcohol intake within safe limits. We also work with the Community Alcohol Service in Basingstoke who can offer a range of services to those who have a problem with their alcohol intake.

a woman looking at the camera

Diet and Exercise

Help on diet and losing weight is available from the practice nurses. Exercise is an excellent way to aid weight loss and achieve fitness. We can arrange for a subsidised exercise programme at Alton Sports Centre.

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Contraception and Sexual Health

Contraceptive and sexual health advice is freely available from the doctor for all patients.


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Antenatal Clinic

Wednesday 12:30 - 16:30 

This is run by the community midwife, and a doctor is also available for consultation. 


Minor Injuries

The are Minor Injuries services at Chawton Park Surgery (0800 - 1830 Monday to Friday), The Wilson Practice (0800 - 1830 Monday to Friday) or Petersfield Comunity Hospital (Everyday 8am - 5.45pm)